
Be the Media, Know the Media, Change the Media.

August 2023 Update

Hello! Summer is drawing to a close, and to mark the occasion I have another Better Media monthly update to relay.

July 2023 Update

Hello there! It’s time for another update on our work here at Better Media, plus some news on the status of our paid worker.

June 2023 Update

Hello there! Welcome to a particularly summery Better Media monthly update (here in the Northern hemisphere at least!) I’m Rowan, the Better Media Campaign Co-ordinator, looking wistfully out of my window at the sunshine as I write about what we’ve been up to here this month.

Submission to the Ofcom BBC Performance Measurement Framework Consultation

Over the past few weeks, we at Better Media have been working on putting together a submission to the Ofcom consultation on proposed changes to the performance measurement framework (PMF) it uses to assess the BBC’s performance. The proposed new PMF updates the existing framework from 2017, but in our view it is lacking in several respects.

May 2023 Update

Hello, and welcome to another Better Media monthly update. I’m Rowan, the Better Media Campaign Co-ordinator, here to report on what has been a pretty exciting month!

Submission to the Ofcom Impacts Assessment Review

Over the past few weeks, we at Better Media have been working on putting together a submission to the Ofcom’s consultation on the proposed changes to their Impact Assessment guidance. The existing guidance dates back to 2005 and is severely in need of updating to bring it in line with current legislation and best practice on equality impact assessment. Our submission was completed and submitted on 11th May.

Submitting Evidence on the Draft Media Bill

Over the past few weeks, we at Better Media have been working on putting together a submission to the Culture, Media and Sport committee in response to their call for input to the government’s draft Media Bill. The Bill, drafted in March, is intended to update the Communications Act 2003 and provide new guidance for the development of public service broadcasting (PSB) in a time of major change throughout media. Our submission was completed and submitted on 11th May.

April 2023 Update

Hello! Rowan here, Campaign Coordinator at Better Media, back with an update on what we’ve been up to in April. You can read the last update here.

March 2023 Update

Hello! Rowan here, Campaign Coordinator at Better Media. Spring is (finally) in the air, and it’s time for another of our monthly updates. You can read the last update here.

February 2023 Update

Hello! Rowan here, Campaign Coordinator at Better Media, and as promised last month I’m here with another update on the work we’ve been doing here in February.