Category: Better Media

Be the Media, Know the Media, Change the Media.

June 2024 Update

Hello and welcome back to a bumper monthly update from Better Media. I was away on leave last week, so this June update is coming to you slightly late and we have plenty to catch up on after a dramatic month ahead of the country going to the polls today.

May 2024 Update

Hello and welcome to a slightly belated Better Media monthly update, for May 2024. I’m Rowan Gavin, Better Media Campaign Co-ordinator.

Monthly update

April 2024 Update

Hello and welcome to Better Media’s April 2024 update. No fools here! Just me, Rowan Gavin, Better Media Campaign Co-ordinator.

March 2024 Update

Hello and welcome to another update on the work of Better Media. Rowan Gavin here, Better Media Campaign Co-ordinator.

December 2023 & January 2024 Update

Hello! This is the first update from Better Media in 2024 – happy new year.

October & November 2023 Update

Hello and welcome to a slightly delayed update from Better Media. Rowan Gavin here, Better Media Campaign Co-ordinator. Between illness and travel I didn’t work very many hours for Better Media in October, so rather than produce a very short update last month we decided to roll two months together.

September 2023 Update

Hello and welcome to the Better Media monthly update, which this time round has a focus on the recent developments with the Media Bill.

August 2023 Update

Hello! Summer is drawing to a close, and to mark the occasion I have another Better Media monthly update to relay.

July 2023 Update

Hello there! It’s time for another update on our work here at Better Media, plus some news on the status of our paid worker.

June 2023 Update

Hello there! Welcome to a particularly summery Better Media monthly update (here in the Northern hemisphere at least!) I’m Rowan, the Better Media Campaign Co-ordinator, looking wistfully out of my window at the sunshine as I write about what we’ve been up to here this month.