Organisations that offer highlight opportunities to work in or otherwise get involved in the media, or provide peer-to-peer support for media workers. See also our twitter list.

beabee Community Journalism Guides
As well as producing an open source software platform for local newsrooms, beabee have a handy list of guides to community journalism, covering everything from membership systems to community building, in English and German.

Bureau Local
Part of The Bureau of Investigative Journalism, the Bureau Local is a network of investigative journalists reporting on local-scale stories. It also works to empower underrepresented communities through the People’s Newsroom initiative.
Website – Twitter

The Centre for Investigative Journalism (TCIJ)
An ‘experimental laboratory’ set up to train reporters in the craft of investigative journalism, teaching both traditional methods and new technologies. Supports promising investigative projects as well as running a broad swathe of trainings and other initiatives.
Website – Twitter

Community Radio Environment Network
A network is for radio stations, radio producers and presenters and content creators, aiming to increase the amount of climate and nature content on UK community radio stations.

A collective of journalists and media workers that meet monthly to share technical skills.

A social enterprise that matches up aspiring journalists with affordable accommodation provided by more established journalists, aiming to support people from diverse backgrounds to overcome the financial barriers to starting a career in journalism.

Public Interest News Foundation (PINF)
An organisation set up to address the challenges faced by independent news providers in the UK, through advocacy, advice and grant funding. Involved in several major ongoing projects, including the Manifesto for a People’s Media and a swath of Local News Plans.
Website – Twitter

The Race Beat
An independent network run by and for UK journalists of colour. Members share advice, experience, opportunities and support.

The Second Source
An alternative network for female and non-binary journalists. Provides advice and support to journalists of marginalised genders, as well as platforming lessons for reporting on issues that affect women and non-binary people.

We Are Black Journos
A community platform that connects Black journalists and Black people looking to start careers in the UK media. Runs regular events, and hosts a podcast that spotlights the experiences of Black journalists.

Women in Journalism
A network that supports women journalists, campaigns for gender diversity throughout the media industry, and promotes journalistic work produced by women. See also Women in Journalism Scotland.
Website – Twitter