Sources of information about the workings of the modern UK & international media, and those working to change it. See also our twitter list.

Campaign for Press and Broadcasting Freedom (CPBF) – Podcast archive
CPBF, the forerunner organisation to Better Media, released a series of podcasts on topical media issues in the 2010s. They are available on this archive page, and still worth a listen!

Centre for the Study of Media, Communication and Power
Part of King’s College London’s Policy Institute. Research focuses on how media provision, public & political communications, and the exercise of power through these mediums are changing in the digital age.

Civil Journalism Lab
A forum for skills and knowledge sharing among journalists, facilitated by Newcastle University. Runs regular in-person and online events at which journalists share their experiences and lessons.
Twitter – Eventbrite

Discover Leveson
Essential yet underused archive of the evidence generated by the Leveson Inquiry in 2011-12. Specifically designed to make the vast amount of material generated by the inquiry more accessible.

Free Press – Archive
The archive of the Free Press journal, published by the Campaign for Press and Broadcasting Freedom (of which Better Media is a successor) from 1980 to 2018. A fascinating resource documenting four decades of media reform efforts from trade union campaigners.

Media, Communications and Cultural Studies (Goldsmiths)
The Department of Media, Communications and Cultural Studies at Goldsmiths, University of London. Another acclaimed academic source of media research. Department staff include some of the founders of the Media Reform Coalition (see below).
Website – Twitter

Media Reform Coalition (MRC)
The MRC brings together activists, academics and media producers to challenge unaccountable media corporations and build an independent, democratic media system. They also run the annual Media Democracy Festival, and have produced comprehensive reports such as Who Owns The UK Media? and the UK Media Influence Matrix.
Website – Twitter

PINF Local News Map
An extremely useful resource that displays local news outlets, independent and corporate, by location across the whole UK.

Press Recognition Panel (PRP)
An independent overseer of press regulation, established by Royal Charter in 2014 following the Leveson Inquiry. Assesses press regulators, such as the Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO) and IMPRESS, reporting on their independence and suitability for protecting the public.
Website – Twitter

School of Journalism, Media and Culture (Cardiff)
School of the University of Cardiff, acclaimed for its teaching programmes, that is also a repository of much excellent research on topics including ‘Jounalism and democracy’, ‘Digital media and society’ and ‘Media, culture and creativity’.
Website – Twitter

Sir Lenny Henry Centre for Media Diversity
Based out of the Birmingham Media School, the Sir Lenny Henry Centre for Media Diversity was founded in 2020 to provide research backing to campaigners (including Sir Lenny) working for greater diversity in broadcasting in media. It has since its expanded its aims, and is now “working to achieve accurate representation of all sections of society across contemporary UK media”.
Website – Twitter