Category: Better Media

Be the Media, Know the Media, Change the Media.

Why Their News Is Bad News – CPBF Programme from 1983

Last week, Better Media was given access to a copy of a TV programme made by the Campaign for Press and Broadcasting Freedom, our predecessor organisation. Titled ‘Why Their News Is Bad News’, the programme was made for the BBC’s Open Door series of community-made features. Unfortunately, we are not allowed to publish the programme, but we found it fascinating and wanted to share some highlights.

Monthly update

January 2023 Update

It’s been a few months now since I started work as Better Media’s Campaign Coordinator, and high time for an update on what we’ve been up to!

How will Better Media work?

Better Media is a transparent co-operative endeavour, empowered by collaborative open source tools. We use Open Collective to transparently collect and spend money. Everyone can see where all our money comes from, and how it is spent. Everyone who signs-up as a contributor is also invited to join our online organising and decision-making spaces. At…
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