Open Letter to Angela Rayner MP and Lisa Nandy MP

Be the Media, Know the Media, Change the Media.

Open Letter to Angela Rayner MP and Lisa Nandy MP

The following is an open letter to Angela Rayner, the new Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, and Lisa Nandy, the new Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport of the United Kingdom, written by Better Media member Rob Watson for Decentered Media on 10th July 2024. We republish it here with Rob’s permission.

Urgent Call for Joined-Up Thinking and Support for Community Media

Dear Secretary Rayner and Secretary Nandy,

We write to emphasise the critical role of community media in fostering local engagement, diversity, and social cohesion. It is imperative that your respective departments adopt a coordinated approach to support and empower local communities through effective community media policies.

Support for Legacy Analogue Platforms: Community radio stations remain vital to many communities, providing accessible and localised content. Continued investment in these legacy platforms is essential to ensure they remain inclusive and accessible, especially for demographics less inclined to adopt digital platforms.

Preserve Local Content and Diversity: The recent Media Act has unfortunately limited access to the market for new independent radio stations, stifling growth and diversity. It’s crucial to revisit these regulations to ensure a thriving, diverse community radio sector that reflects the voices and needs of all communities.

Enhance Cultural Democracy: Policies must be crafted to empower diverse community voices, thereby promoting cultural democracy. Overcoming institutional resistance and addressing social inequalities through community media is essential for social cohesion and democratic engagement.

Maintain Local Accountability: Local ownership and accountability for radio stations ensure they effectively serve community needs. Policies should support the sustainability and growth of these stations, preserving their unique local character and responsiveness.

Fundamental Review of Community Media Principles: We urge a thorough review of the principles underpinning community media to realign them with the values established by the Labour Government in 2005. This review should aim to reinvigorate the sector, ensuring it meets contemporary needs and continues to foster a strong sense of community.

Policy Integration: The previous government failed to connect community radio stations with public service and delivery departments, missing opportunities for community media to enhance public service delivery. A joined-up approach between your departments can rectify this, leveraging community media to better serve local communities.

We look forward to your leadership in revitalizing community media, ensuring it remains a vibrant and integral part of our national and local landscape.

Decentered Media

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